Commonly used for video productions where a specific color, such as green or blue is needed for the background. These screens come with curtain track hardware such as wall mounts, ceiling mounts, threaded rods, and more.
Commonly used for video productions where a specific color, such as green or blue is needed for the background. These screens come with a stand or you could purchase the screens only if you have existing stands.
Akon is your go-to source for Green Screen Curtain Tracks and hardware. We offer a variety of mounting styles to accommodate the specific structure you’re working with. Our Green Screen Curtain Track hardware is built for durability.
More Information
AKON's custom green screen curtains come with a rich variety of sizes, colors, and curtain hardware. They are designed with PD Cloth matte fabric which is commonly used in arenas, amusement parks, ice shows, and multi-purpose facilities, or can also used as a drapery lining. The material is approved for use by the California State Fire Marshall.
You may choose one of these configurations:
- Green screens only
- Screens with stand
- Screens with static curtain track hardware
- And screens with many different side-to-side rolling curtain tracks