Cutting Around Abstructions

Can you field cut the curtains to get around obstructions?
Yes, you can cut the vinyl curtains in the field. This is common and is typically needed for a static curtains that needs to go around obstructions, such as curtain valances. The vinyl material is reinforced with an internal scrim to prevent run away tears. Once you cut the curtain, you can then use a colored or clear patch tape such as to seal it back together. Make sure you choose “Type B” for Vinyl on their website. Akon also offers rolls of similar material for large jobs that require a lot of field cutting. It's also worth noting that other types of tapes would work fine as well.

How about insulated curtains?
You can also field cut insulated curtains. Those however will have to be sealed back together with akon supplied patch tape or the batting can become unstable. We have a 3M patch tape that we sell in wide rolls for insulated curtain projects. However, for small patches please use the as discussed above. Again, it's also worth noting that other types of tapes would work fine as well.
Attaching Curtains In The Field

Tarp Grabbers
This device is a physical lock that punches through the curtains and snaps them together. Once connected, it's not meant to be unconnected and has a very strong clamp on the curtains. If you intend to have the curtains connected on a permanent basis, this is a great fastener, and it’s easy to install and very inexpensive to purchase. These are readily available from many online retailers called “Tarp Grabbers”.

Self Adhesive Velcro
Self adhesive Velcro is commonly shipped with our curtains to attach one curtain to another curtain, or a curtain to an adjacent structure. Some customers even choose to use fasteners to fasten the Velcro to their structure for a more positive connection. When connecting the Velcro to the curtain, make sure the curtain is properly cleaned for so the adhesive sticks. This method is not ideal for curtains in very cold climates or where frequent access is required where the Velcro would be pulled apart and resealed many times.

Field Seal Tape
Field seal tape is an industrial adhesive tape that is specifically made for vinyl surfaces. This can be purchased from or other online sources depending on the amount that you require. You can overlap the curtains and then seal them together or lay them side-by-side as shown in the picture below and connect them. This is a permanent adhesive connection not need to be unconnected and we reconnected. This particular supplier charges a lot for this tape so its not a great solution for large projects.

Gorilla Tape
We have had feedback from several installers that Gorilla Tape works very well for field patching. In addition to its performance, it's also a fraction of the cost of the tear-aid. You can also purchase the gorilla tape in clear if you can't find one that matches the color of your curtain.