How We Choose The Correct Strip Overlap
We first consider the type and volume of traffic.
- Personnel – Doors for people-only access should utilize small sized strips
with less overlap. Consider 6″ or 8″ material with 33% to 67% overlap. Use
4″ material only on very small openings because smaller strips have less wind
resistance and aren’t ideal for heavy forklift traffic. - Pallet Trucks – This indicates the door will get heavier traffic including
material pallets, typically accompanied by a person. In this scenario, 6″
material with 67% overlap, or 8″ with 25% or 50% overlap is the best option. - Forklift Traffic – Forklift traffic indicates strip doors will face more abuse.
Consequently, large PVC vinyl strip sizes are the best bet. Also consider the load
the forklift will carry as the strips will drag over the load. If the load is light, very
large strips may drag it off the forklift. Consider 12″ material with 50% to 100%
overlap or 16″ material if used windy areas outside.
Chart Of Overlaps

Things to Consider
- User 67% or higher overlap for outdoor strips along with 12″ to 16″ wide strips