Options For Short Curtains
Option #1 – Drop Down Chains In Between The Track And The Curtain
Using this method you would use a small chain that would attach to the roller hook and then attach using an S-hook to the grommets of the curtain. This is actually a fairly standard method of dropping down curtains. Depending on how far you want to drop the curtain down you would use various lengths of chain.

Option #2 – Add A Floor Sweep
Floor sweeps are very common with customers that are trying to separate environments such as a dusty area or a washdown process. They can be installed at the factory or they can be installed in the field. But they are also dual-purpose for extending curtains if you ordered your curtain too short. AKON can ship you a stick on floor sweep which attaches to the bottom of your curtain. You just need to let us know what height of floor sweep that you want to attach. Keep in mind that 2 inches is Velcro when calculating the floor sweep you need. For instance, if you were trying to cover 10 inches below your curtain you would want to place an order for a 12 inch tall for sweep.

Option #3 – Change Track Support To Threaded Rod Or Cable
Depending on the track style that you are using you can drop the entire straight track down using a different track support such as the threaded rod track support or the cable track support. Both of these track supports allow you to drop down your industrial curtain closer to the floor.